lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

What do you know about pandas?

READ PANDAS: cuddiest of all bears!

  1. Describe giant pandas
  2. Where do they come from?
  3. How were pandas known outside China?
  4. Where do giant pandas live?
  5. Why were pandas forced to live up into the mountains?
  6. What do pandas eat?
  7. Describe a panda at birth.
  8. How do they spend the day?
  9. Do they have permanent dens? Where do they shelter?
  10. What can they do?
  11. Are giant pandas at risk of becoming extinct? What are their major threats?
  12. How tall are they?
  13. How much do they weigh?
  14. What did Chinese people think about pandas?
  15. What does the 6th finger allow the panda?
  16. Can pandas be dangerous?

1 comentario:

Rodolf English dijo...

Profe, soy irupe, queria avisale que estoy enferma y me reintegrare el Jueves, por lo tanto no nos veriamos. El oral lo preparo para el Miercoles que viene,no ? Ana !!!